Canadian Partnership Against Cancer

I have been involved as a patient/family advocate with CPAC for the past 5 years.

The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) was created by the federal government in 2007 with funding through Health Canada to work with Canada’s cancer control community to reduce the incidence of cancer, lessen the likelihood of Canadians dying from cancer, and enhance the quality of life of those affected by cancer.

Marie has been involved in steering committees and a variety of working committees with CPAC and the work with lung cancer research is near to her heart.  In response to the action item identified at the February Network meeting, CPAC is currently in the process of convening our Lung Nodule Management working group.

Marie is a part of this working group as a patient family advocate and this work collectively will drive the development of a National Lung Nodule Management Practice Framework which will support effective management of programmatic screen detected lung nodules. The goal of the framework is to support effective practice and help reduce potential harms of nodule detection for patients from invasive follow-up procedures and testing.  This is exciting and powerful movement for the early detection and treatment for Lung Cancer patients.  The involvement of the patient/family perspective holds tremendous value and is powerful.
